Thursday, November 8, 2012

You got the Government you deserve.

Well, Obama won a second term. I couldn't believe it when he won the first time. How can so many people be so clueless?

More people voted for the free shit they can get than care about the wealfare of their country.

Hell, less people voted for Romney than voted for McCain 4 years ago. And this time we knew what was at stake.

The path we are on is unsustainable. The budget must be cut. They will do that by gutting the military. But it won't be enough. They will raise taxes on the rich. But it won't be enough. They will tax and regulate business. And businesses will stop growing, or layoff, or close. But it won't be enough.

What will these people say when gas is $8/gallon? Bread is $10 a loaf? The debt is $25 trillion and the Government runs out of money?

Have you seen the news feeds from Greece? That is where we are headed.

I have lost faith in my country. As Wyatt from Support Your Local Gunfighter said "Americans went from the people who defeated Hitler to the people who want their free sh*t."

I have lost interest in politics. It has become a cartoon caracture of itself, with Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam promising people more free stuff to get elected.

Elizabeth Warren won and Allen West lost. I fear we are lost. Until the economy crashes, "The People" will continue to vote for whomever will give them more free shit.

Some will say I'm over-reacting. I'm sorry, but I love my country too much. And I believe that this election is the beginning of the fall of Pax Americana.

So now for the big question: Go Galt or Embrace The Suck?