Friday, September 25, 2009

I Don't Kow What To Say.....

Things are spiraling out of control, and we are now seeing definitive proof that Obama is over his head.

Iran Discovered To Have An Undeclared, Secret Nuclear Development Site

'Ahmadinejad has enough uranium to go whole way’

This of course backs Israel in a corner even more. They know Obama will not back them. In fact he's doing everything possible to pressure them not to act and even to make concessions.
He has shitcanned Europe's missle defense and did everthing but raised a white flag at the UN.

Israel will be forced to strike Iran before the end of the year (my opinion).

If that happens expect gas prices to hit $5 a gallon which in itself will be bad, but I think with Obama and the Dems reckless spending and socialist policies, will send us into a full-fledged depression with out-of-control inflation.

As John Bolton said "Obama is the first post-American President"

He is destroying our country, and three years from now we will be a Third-World nation who won't be able to even influence our Allies.

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