Monday, August 31, 2009

Why I hate Liberals: Reason #7953

What to get an idea of how much of a worthless tool Melissa Lafsky is? Go read her article about her boy Ted.

Warning: Remove all breakables from near by your computer before you do!

But in all the florid or scalpel-sharp prose, there's one constant: Peeking out from the center of the story is the matter of his playing a major part in the death of a 28-year-old woman.

Mary Jo wasn't a right-wing talking point or a negative campaign slogan. She was a dedicated civil rights activist and political talent with a bright future -- granted, whenever someone dies young, people sermonize about how he had a "bright future" ahead of him -- but she actually did. She wasn't afraid to defy convention (28 and unmarried, oh the horror!) or create her own career path based on her talents. She lived in Georgetown (where I grew up) and loved the Red Sox (we'll forgive her for that). Then she got in a car driven by a 36-year-old senator with an alcohol problem and a cauldron full of demons, and wound up
a controversial footnote in a dynasty.

We don't know how much Kennedy was affected by her death, or what she'd have thought about arguably being a catalyst for the most successful Senate career in history. What we don't know, as always, could fill a Metrodome.

Still, ignorance doesn't preclude a right to wonder. So it doesn't automatically make someone (aka, me) a Limbaugh-loving, aerial-wolf-hunting NRA troll for asking what Mary Jo Kopechne would have had to say about Ted's death, and what she'd have thought of the life and career that are being (rightfully) heralded.

Who knows -- maybe she'd feel it was worth it.

(emphasis added)

So apparently, the death of a bright, attractive young woman with her whole life ahead of her is nothing but "a controversial footnote in a dynasty".

And suggests that maybe she wouldn't have minded dying for fat, drunken Ted's career.

I guess we could go ask her..... Oh wait, we can't....

SHE'S DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And to think these people go into PSH over the fact that Sarah Palin killed a few moose!


The irony! The hipocrisy! I haven't the words.

Oh and she's wrong about one other thing. We do know what Ted thought about Mary Jo Kopechne's death.

I don't know if you know this or not, but one of his favorite topics of humor was indeed Chappaquiddick itself. And he would ask people, "have you heard any new jokes about Chappaquiddick?"


I think I'll run for political office. I hereby choose Melissa Lafsky as my human sacrifice, to die while slowly sufficating in a darkened, 2 square yard box, as it slowly fills with water.

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