Monday, April 27, 2009

How Much More......

can we take? Can they get any more stupid?

I have been busy lately so I haven't had much time to post. Plus, Obama and Co. just seem to have settled into a pattern of screw-ups that I'm suffering from overload. But this, I had to make time for.

The Pentagon did tell local authorities about the startling fly-over that sent a Boeing 747 and a F-16 fighter screaming over New York's scarred skyline, but officials said they couldn't share the information with the public. They couldn't even share the information with the mayor.

Mayor Bloomberg said he was "furious" and criticized both the feds and his own administration for failing to issue a simple warning to the public in a city that is still somewhat traumatized by the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

"The good news is it was nothing more than an inconsiderate, badly conceived and insensitive photo op with the taxpayers' money," Bloomberg said.

News 4 New York learned Monday night that at least 90 calls were placed to 911 about the plane.

An official from the Obama administration said the White House Military Office wanted to update its file photo of the president's plane near the Statue of Liberty.

From Ace:

The Statue of Liberty is a nice touch, for extra drama and terror. Know how to make people really scared? Put a 747 on an intercept course with a major element of the New York skyline.

The F-16 chasing it, almost as if it's about to shoot it down and rain steel and jet fuel over the city, demonstrates Obama's attention to detail.

Well. Obama got his photo op, didn't he? The screaming, running, terrified Manhattanites makes for a great picture.

Now, if you or I did something to insight panic over a major city we'd be charged insighting a riot, arrested and thrown in jail for a long time. Well, once again, the Obama administration show us that they are above and beyond us mere mortals.

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