I am pro-gun, anti-gun control. This is the deciding factor in determining who I vote for. I believe the Second Amendment guarantees "us", the average law-abiding citizen, the right to own and carry guns in defense of ourselves, our families and our homes.
The 2nd Amendment states : "a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
The Right to Bear Arms. Yes, that's right. We The People have the right to bear arms, to own guns and carry them in defense of ourselves and our homes. Now listen closely.
(Yes I am yelling. Because some people just can't get this through their heads.)
The 2nd Amendment DOES NOT (!) apply to state militas or the National Guard. The National Guard was not formed until the Milita Act of 1903, so don't try and tell me that's what our Founding Fathers were refering to in 1787! Besides, now the Guard is part of the Total Force concept and is answerable to the federal government.
As far as what kind of weapons, I believe it applies to the basic weapon used by our military forces. In 1776 that meant a muzzle-loading flintlock rifle, now it means a selective fire assault weapon. Before you send me hate mail, I do not think that it means an individual may own tanks, or RPG's or artillery. My beliefs are based on the other writings of the Founding Fathers. (For the record, I think full auto fire is a waste of ammo)
I believe that the end result of a government taking guns away from the citizens is to make them slaves. Now that doesn't mean the current officials, but sometime down the road others will be put in power that will enslave the populace and the people will be powerless to stop it. Don't believe me? Look it up, Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and countless others. Before a government can enslave its citizens it must take away the privately owned weapons. And it has always been done in the name of public safety.
Freedom of Religion. That does not mean freedom from religion. The 1st Amendment was written to prevent the government from establishing a state religion like the Church of England. Anyone not belonging to that church could be tried and hung for treason. I agree with certain complaints such as the Pledge. "God" was added to the pledge in the 1950's because we were fighting the godless Soviets, but they're gone now so why the fuss? But I do not believe we have to sterilize all government property of all traces of G-d or religion. Nor should we. Monuments, memorials, and markers were built or placed for reasons and are part of our heritage. Let them alone!
Freedom of Speech. The government can make no law restricting you from saying anything. That means we can say what we want without being arrested or persecuted. That doesn't mean you can lie or libel. Nor does it mean freedom of speech without consequences! So if you choose to say something like "I love Hitler", expect to get the shit beat out of you. And if I see you burning an American flag, don’t be surprised if I ‘accidentally’ shove a fire extinguisher up your ass, while trying to put the flames out.
I believe the Founding Fathers were smarter than we can ever imagine. The Constitution is NOT a living document. It doesn't need to be reinterpreted.
I am pro-Israel. It is the only democracy in the Middle East (well, I guess we can add Iraq now). Yes, they have made some mistakes, but our government has done worse in the past. The Israelis are a bunch of hard fighting arrogant bastards, surrounded by their sworn enemies, that kick ass and never give up. As an American, I salute them.
Question: How long would Americans sit on their asses if an enemy on our borders was setting off bombs in our shopping malls, murdering our children at bus stops, and killing anyone at random?
BTW, if Israel was gone, fundamentalist Muslims would still hate us.
Che Guevara was an evil blood-thirsty murdering rapist coward. He murdered thousands of people, most just because they disagreed with him. Many times, before he had someone executed, he would rape the man's wife or daughter in front of him. His last words before he was captured were "Don't shoot! I'm Che! I'm worth more to you alive than dead!" AND A LOT OF PEOPLE THINK HE'S A HERO!!!!!!! You make me sick!
Castro is not a great man. Che Guevara was his right-hand man, see above. Most of his country's people live in squalor, while he lives in luxury and hobnobs with Hollywood assholes and convinces them he is some kind of enlightened leader. Give me a break!
George W. Bush is not stupid or evil and is not responsible for all the evil in the world. Did he made some mistakes? Yes. Has he done some stupid things? Yes. I believe he will be known as one of our best presidents for his first term, and as one of our worst presidents for his second.
Illegal immigrants are illegal! They are breaking the law. Our law. My Grandparents came here from Italy, and they did it legally. They were proud to be Americans.
Seal the border first, then we'll talk.
9/11 wasn't an inside job. If it was, YOU wouldn't be talking about it because YOU would be dead! (More on that later)
The Iraq war was not about oil.
There is no Bigfoot. (Think ‘breeding population’)
There is no Loch Ness Monster. (see above)
There might be a yeti.
There is no spaceship at Area 51. If there was, we wouldn't have a clue about which end was up let alone be able to disassemble and then reverse engineer it. (Think: Noah trying to figure out a Nimitz Class carrier.)
Space aliens may be out there but they do not visit the Earth to screw around with our wheat fields or stick probes up our asses.
So now you know a little more about me. I hope to share a lot more with you.