Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Slide Begins

The slide to becoming a Third World nation.

Barky's new motto:

"Trillions for tribute, spare change for defense."


Gates readies big cuts in weapons.

Two defense officials who were not authorized to speak publicly said Gates will announce up to a half-dozen major weapons cancellations later this month. Candidates include a new Navy destroyer, the Air Force's F-22 fighter jet, and Army ground-combat vehicles, the officials said.

I remind everyone, that once you shut down the production line for something like the F-22, it can't be restarted. The machinery will be sold off and the trained assembly line personel and engineers, etc. will be moved to new projects.


Medvedev announces plan to rearm Russia

MOSCOW: President Dmitri A. Medvedev said Tuesday that Russia would begin a "large-scale rearming" in 2011 in response to what he described as threats to the country's security.
In a speech before generals in Moscow, Mr. Medvedev cited encroachment by NATO as a primary reason for bolstering the military, including nuclear forces.

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